Unplugged Activities to Minimize Your Child’s Screen Time

Join us for National Day of Unplugging!
Although the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for children under 2, and less than 2 hours per day for older children, on average, preschool children spend a staggering 32 hours a week with screen media. Some of the distressing effects of these early habits can include poor school performance, obesity, problems with attention and socialization, and most importantly, changes in children’s fundamental connection to the world.
By limiting your child’s screen time, he or she will have more time for hands-on creative play. Play is essential and promotes intellectual growth, critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-control. Children play to have fun, express themselves, gain a sense of self, and make meaning of their world. We applaud you for joining us for National Day of Unplugging and wish you many joy-filled memories with your family!
Here are 20 fun screen-free ideas to do as a family:
- Create Ice Cream in a Bag
- Make No-Bake Blueberry Oatmeal Energy Balls
- Create a Stoplight Snack
- Make your own bird feeder
- Go bird watching
- Go on an Alphabet Walk
- Make your own bubbles and chase them
- Try animal yoga
- Play Spin-a-Move Game
- Try our playdough STEAM Challenge
- Make Oobleck
- Make rubbery play dough
- Make play dough
- Make oatmeal playdough
- Make Moon Sand
- Create your own pinball machine
- Go on a nature walk and use the New Horizon Academy Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
- Paint with ice cubes
- Make your own bouncy balls
- Make your own snow