How to Support Your Baby’s Language Development

As a parent, you most likely have heard the importance of reading to your baby from a young age, but you may have wondered why? What are the benefits of reading to your baby? Does reading really help your baby?
Each time you read to your baby it will provide them with the necessary building blocks for language development and help them build valuable connections that will benefit them throughout their lives.
Language and Development Benefits of Reading With Your Baby
Language Skills
When you read to your baby, they are hearing the words read aloud to them. While they might not understand what the words mean, they are being introduced to a wide variety of words. This boosts their vocabulary, which will help them build strong conversations as they learn to talk.
Bonding and Connection
While you enjoy snuggling up with your baby to read a book, you are not only strengthening your bond, but you get to share unique communication with each other. This time together showcases love and safety.
Emotional Learning
As you are reading to your baby, the are not only looking at the pictures in the book, but they are also seeing your expressions as you read to them. This helps with early brain development, as your baby is exposed to different emotions and feelings that they can begin to mimic.
Establishing Routine
Children of all ages, including babies, thrive on routine. Adding reading into your daily schedule can be a wonderful habit to start. Reading is great at any time of the day, but adding it in before naptime or bedtime can show your baby that it is time to wind down and get ready to sleep.
School Readiness
It is never too early to start preparing for school, and reading to your baby is a great start! In addition to language development and emotional learning, reading teaches your baby how to hold a book and turn the pages and how to take in the illustrations. It also creates an interest in learning to read books aloud themselves.
How to Read to Your Baby
If you have not started reading with your baby, we highly recommend adding that into your routine at home. As part of a baby’s daily routine at New Horizon Academy, infants have story time where they can listen to their teacher read them a story.
Here are a few tips on how to read with your baby.
Follow Their Lead
Your baby may want to quickly move through a book or spend a large amount of time on a singe page, and that is totally okay. As your baby begins to roll and crawl, it can be difficult to get them to sit still, but reading aloud to them as they are in the room is still a great benefit to them.
Be Animated
Reading with expression and different tones will help keep your baby engaged and interested. It can also help them differentiate between different characters in the story. Lastly, do not be afraid to stop and ask questions or make comments about the pictures in the story.
Make Books Accessible
Having books within reach of your baby as they begin to crawl and walk will let them know that they can look at books anytime of day and not just before naptime or bedtime. It will also give them independence to look through the pages on their own.
Choosing Age-Appropriate Books for Your Baby
Having age-appropriate books for your baby is another essential part of reading. Here are the types of books our infant teachers recommend for different ages:
Books for Newborns
During the newborn months, your baby most likely will not have any interest in books and will mainly want to hear your voice, so books with rhyming or mirrors/textures are great for this age group.
Books for 4-6-Month-Olds
Once your baby is between the ages of 4-6 months, they will begin to develop an interest in books, and you can focus on books with bright colors, shapes, and faces. Cloth or vinyl books are perfect for your baby at this age.
Books for 12-Month-Olds
As your baby begins to approach the age of 12 months, you can transition to more sturdy board books, as they will want to help hold the book and turn the pages. This is also a unique time, as they will begin to babble and talk so you can take the time to slow down and engage in the book with them by asking questions.
One of the most important things to remember is that reading with your baby is an important part of language and emotional development, and it is never too early to start.
Looking for some books to read with your baby? Here is a list of New Horizon Academy’s favorite infant books to get you started.
5 Children's Books to Read With Your Baby

New Horizon Academy is a nationally recognized early learning provider with over 90 schools in Minnesota, Colorado, Iowa, Idaho, and Kansas. Through play-based curriculum and high-quality daycare, New Horizon Academy schools nurture and prepare children to succeed in school and in life.
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