Bean Sprout STEAM Experiment

A wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day is to explore how things grow. We have a fun, hands-on way to watch a plant grow and document growth.
Your child will delight in watching a sprout develop from a dry seed to a plant. For added fun, you can use our New Horizon Academy Plant Journal to help your child observe and chart the growth of their seed.
Supplies Needed
- Small plastic sandwich-sized zipper storage bag
- Dried, uncooked beans, peas, or seeds (Dried beans are a choking hazard for small children, adult supervision is required)
- Paper towels
- Bowl
- Water
- Tape
- A window with plenty of light
- Ruler
Step 1
Cut the paper towel in half and continue to fold it until it will fit snugly into the plastic zipper bag.
Step 2
Pour water into the bowl.
Step 3
Dampen the paper towel in water and slide it into the plastic zipper bag. Remove excess water. You want the paper towel to be damp, not soaking wet.
Step 4
Smooth it out, so that it is flat.
Step 5
Place two or more beans or seeds about one inch from the bottom of the bag. The beans should be placed on top of the paper towel. Make sure they are firmly in place with a snug fit between the towel and the plastic zipper bag. Pour out any excess water.
Step 6
Seal the bag, but leave a small corner open, so that the growing plant gets fresh air.
Step 7
Tape the plastic zipper bag to the window. Be sure to have the beans face the indoors, so that your child can watch
them grow.
Check on the seeds daily. You should see a root come out of the seed within the first three days. If you used bean seeds, you should be able to observe the plant until it grows to the top of the plastic zipper bag.